"Inspired to Invest" Podcast

Revealing The Roadmap To A Billion Dollar Real Estate Portfolio

Serena Holmes Episode 83

Are you ready for the roadmap to a billion dollar real estate empire to be revealed?

Welcome back to ep83 of the “Inspired To Invest” podcast. This week, Veena Jetti from Vive Funds is with us to share her remarkable story. To watch rather than listen, click here.

Veena is a visionary force in the real estate world, who started on solid ground with her family's single-family real estate roots to amassing over $530 million in assets in the multifamily sector. 

As we uncover her story, you'll learn about the bold steps she took with her first 200-unit acquisition in Dallas and the valuable lessons she gleaned from navigating such a challenging venture early in her career. 

Veena's insights on leveraging team credentials and nurturing investor relationships provide a blueprint for anyone looking to break into or excel in the real estate industry.

Our conversation also unravels the complexities of scaling a substantial real estate portfolio amidst shifting financial landscapes. Discover how Veena adapts her communication strategies to reach a wider investor base, using tools like webinars to efficiently connect with potential partners. 

With current interest rates necessitating innovative financing approaches, her experiences shed light on the critical importance of establishing strong investor ties well before capital is actually needed. 

Additionally, Veena's exploration of AI integration in real estate underscores both the opportunities and challenges that come with adapting to new technological advancements.

Beyond the business realm, Veena's passion for empowering youth with financial literacy and building community wealth stands out as a testament to her broader mission. Her personal stories, from handling unexpected property management issues to dealing with industry biases, reveal the resilience and integrity that have fueled her success. 

As she emphasizes prioritizing time over money and cultivating an abundance mindset, Veena inspires us all to take action towards our own financial goals and to foster success for those around us.

To connect with Veena, go to @veenajetti on social or vivefunds.com online.

Thank you to The Wealth Club for bringing us this month’s episodes. To get the support you need to start or scale a business, sign up at http://thewealthclub.co/serena 

“Inspired to Invest” is proud to support the Beyond Success Program, a not-for-profit financial literacy program for students, launched by More To Give & MAK Investments. Find out more at @more2give.ca.

Join us again on Mar. 5 for our next episode!

Thank you for tuning into “Inspired To Invest”, hosted by @serenaholmesrealtor & remember, "when you invest in yourself, the sky's the limit!"

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Serena Holmes:

Welcome to the Inspire to Invest podcast, where we're sharing inspiring stories from business owners, entrepreneurs and real estate investors on the pursuit of wealth and financial freedom. This episode of the Inspire to Invest podcast has been brought to you by the Wealth Club. Hey everybody, welcome to Inspire to Invest. I have Veena Jhadi here with me today from Vibe Funds, and she's from Dallas, texas. We're living there now. She's not only a real estate investor, she is a visionary who understands the profound impact that a united community of investors can have on the real estate market, but also on society at large. She has done more than $1 billion in transactions, has raised over $400 million and currently has over $530 million assets under management at the moment.

Serena Holmes:

So thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to be with us today. How are you?

Veena Jetti:

Thank you. Thank you for having me. I'm so excited to be here.

Serena Holmes:

So I've had the privilege of meeting you a couple times now, so once in Quebec City and then also in Punta Cana which is awesome and I think about the first dinner that we had together and actually didn't realize that you're one of our speakers. I thought you're one of our mastermind members. I didn't know. I was in the presence of greatness.

Veena Jetti:

Yes, that was so fun. It was. What hotel was that? We were like downstairs and like the Hilton.

Serena Holmes:

Yeah, something like that. Yeah, it's cold and windy Quebec City.

Veena Jetti:

But I love, like I want to come back to Quebec like every day. I love. I talk about it so much. People are like you're weirdly obsessed. It's like the Europe of North America.

Serena Holmes:

Yeah, yeah, it was beautiful. I'm glad that we got the chance to go there and especially the the Strom spa was pretty cool, the Nordic spa on the river. So if you do go back, you have to make sure you go there.

Veena Jetti:

The most important.

Serena Holmes:

Yeah for sure. So now obviously you've accomplished so much in what feels like a relatively short amount of time, and I've heard your story, but I'm sure so many people have not. So maybe you can take us back to the beginning, where real estate first came into the picture and how you handled, kind of, your first deal.

Veena Jetti:

Yeah, so it first came into the picture and how you handle kind of your first deal. Yeah, so it first came into the picture when I was like little, before I could even really talk or walk Probably. My mom is a very successful real estate investor. She always bought single family homes. She's now retired but I so I come from a real estate family but I'm the first in my family to buy multifamily, so my parents didn't unlock that level of real estate investing they're immigrants. So they came here with twenty six dollars and then built everything from the ground up.

Veena Jetti:

My first deal I ever did was actually a single family deal and this was gosh. 13 years ago 12 or 13 years ago now I bought a condo and I was buying single family initially because, honestly, I didn't know that everyday people could own multifamily. I thought it was only like Jeff Bezos that got to have multifamily, or like apartment buildings, right right, or like an institution, and it had never really occurred to me that people owned them. And I've lived in many apartment complexes in my life and I it never occurred to me that like, oh wait, I could own this. I just never really thought about it.

Veena Jetti:

And then obviously I've discovered since then that you can own these and you can have these in your own portfolio. And so I started buying single family, bought like five houses in a week and was like, oh my gosh, I hate this. This is like overwhelming. It doesn't scale. I have a million different things I have to do for not that much money. It's just not really that worth it for me. And so that's when I discovered the power of multifamily. It's been like almost a decade now since I started investing in multifamily assets and I never looked back after that.

Serena Holmes:

So can you talk about that first deal and how you know you found, maybe, that particular building, what that building was like and how you actually structured things bringing on investors for the first time?

Veena Jetti:

Yeah. So my first deal that I did in multifamily was here in Dallas, so it just happened to be where I lived, which actually is really nice because I got to be more hands-on and I got to see it and understand like what the asset was Right. So that deal we bought at for 15.9 million. It was 200 units. This is not a typical first deal, because usually people start with like a five plex, a 10 plex, 20 doors, a hundred doors, and work their way up. But this was on market so it came through a broker and it came to a friend of mine and he has a very large fund. You know, we're still good friends to this day. We invest in each other's deals. I'm actually speaking at his conference this year and so he and now we're competitors.

Veena Jetti:

So it's a little bit funny how we both got started. He was just starting out, he was a few deals ahead of me and he basically said, hey, vina, we have this deal, do you want to partner up? And I was like, yeah, ok, what could go wrong? Lots of things can go wrong and I just you know, ignorance is bliss in these moments and so we went into it and I had to raise money and I had to do asset management duties. I'd never done those roles before. I came from a corporate background, real estate background. I come from a real estate family. I did my degree in finance so I had all of the resume checkmarks but I didn't have the practical clinical application and so we started out with that deal, closed it. It was really hard. That was the hardest deal I've ever done, yeah.

Serena Holmes:

And you got to prove yourself right. Like people are like what are you doing? What are you asking?

Veena Jetti:

for why? Because we were like, oh my gosh, I love this, I totally believe in you. Come back to me on your second deal or your third deal. I was like, how am I ever going to have a second deal If you won't give me a chance to get my first deal Right? And so that was like really challenging and frustrating, to say the least. But I'm glad I did it, cause I earned a lot of stripes there.

Veena Jetti:

I went through it, we were successful, we bought the deal and then in month 15 on that deal we did a supplemental. We added a supplemental loan and pulled equity out of the deal and I gave investors 40% of their initial investment back in month 15. And we had planned a five-year hold and then by year three we were able to sell it for around 24 million. So our investors made a really solid return. They made like a 25% IRR, and that is so crucial to building the relationship because after that those investors continued to repeat, invest with us and re-up their investment and continue to partner with us on deals, and investors are the lifeblood of what we do. It's how we continue to be successful. So we always do everything with us on deals, and investors are the lifeblood of what we do. It's how we continue to be successful. So we always do everything with an investor focus.

Serena Holmes:

So when you think back to your having those preliminary conversations the first time around, how did you overcome some of those objections where people had that concern that this is your first time and you know how did you position that to them, since you're kind of in uncharted?

Veena Jetti:

waters. So I did it the wrong way and I did all the things that I would not recommend someone do today. So the way I did it was I just made phone call after phone call after phone call to everybody, everybody that I knew. Yeah, and I was so desperate that people could sense the desperation. They were like, okay, you know, you got to like calm down a little bit. No, thank right, because it's one of those things like nobody wants it when no one else wants it, and so you can't really be desperate.

Veena Jetti:

So today what I would do differently is I would leverage the resume of my team more. I didn't do that. I wasn't like, yes, it's my first deal, but my partners have done this many deals, or my our advisors have this resume or track record right. I should have leveraged them more and I didn't. I just didn't know. But what I ultimately did to overcome some of those objections was I pointed to my resume that I did have right. Like I come from a real estate family, my degree is in finance I worked at.

Veena Jetti:

Some of those objections was I pointed to my resume that I did have right. Like I come from a real estate family, my degree is in finance. I worked at some of the largest real estate firms in the entire world. Right, I have my own portfolio of single family homes that have done really well and eventually that was enough. I talked to enough people the law of large numbers that I was able to overcome it.

Veena Jetti:

But the other thing I didn't do that I would recommend anybody doing, regardless of where you are, where you're going, because eventually you will be here where you need capital to scale, and that is build those investor relationships and start talking about your investments before you actually need them. Once you need investor money, you're too late to go out and try to build that rapport and build those relationships. The best time to do it is when you don't have a deal. So now I would come to you and be like, hey, serena, this is what I'm working on. I'm super excited about it, and you'll get excited. And then you'll be like, okay, great, how can I invest? I'm like, oh no, I don't have a deal for you right now, but I'll let you know when I do. Let me add you to my list and that's what I would do differently.

Serena Holmes:

Yeah, no, understood Now in terms of the numbers. So you said that deal is a little bit over 15 million. How much money would you have had to have raised? And what kind of products do you guys have available in terms of financing a commercial property like that? Like for us here in Canada we've got like MLI Select. You can basically do 5% down, a 50 year amortization, so it's definitely more digestible for people. You're like, wait, I'm coming to Canada, so there are products available that make it a lot easier for people coming in on these larger asset classes. But can you walk through those numbers and what they look like?

Veena Jetti:

Yeah. So back then you did not have to raise very much money for a Class B value-add deal. You had to maybe raise 30% of the total purchase price. So on a $15 million deal, we have around 5 million. Yeah, yes, but remember that also takes into account CapEx fees, opex reserves. All of those things are accounted for in that 30% that you're trying. Today, given where interest rates are, everything is debt cover constrained, meaning you cannot get as much debt. You can't leverage it up to 70% or 80%. Now you're leveraging to like 60% sometimes, and so what that means is we have to bring more equity to the table and bring more money to the table. So in today's market, general rule of thumb would be about 50% on a value-add asset. So if I'm buying something for $100 million, I need to raise about $50 million.

Serena Holmes:

Okay, got it. When you look back at that, what would you say are some of the biggest challenges and obstacles that you've had to overcome, not necessarily on that deal, but just in general, as you've grown this half a billion dollar portfolio of assets under management, like as you've grown this half a billion dollar portfolio of assets under management.

Veena Jetti:

Well, I think scale is always challenging for any entrepreneur. You know, when I first started, like I said, I was calling every investor individually and having like 30, 60 minutes sometimes multiple conversations to get that one $100 check. Today we do a one-to-many, where we do a webinar and we send out our emails and our marketing. That way it's not as effective in terms of like a close rate, meaning if I talk to an investor, about 70% to 80% of the time they're going to want to invest, because if they're willing to get on a phone call, they're already interested. They just need me to handhold them and walk them through it. If I do a one-to-many, maybe like 20% will actually convert to investing and a lot of times they'll still need a phone call or some additional nurture to get over whatever their question marks are, whatever they're still unsure about. So getting the scale has been challenging.

Veena Jetti:

Now we're facing the challenge of AI, so just wanting to do everything really efficiently and at the highest level it's making sure we're not being too quick. You know, ai is really great for a lot of things, but it makes mistakes and you want to make sure that you're catching those mistakes and correcting and fixing those mistakes before they go out broadly. It's getting employees to train and adopt AI. There's a lot of resistance in this new feature set and it can be overwhelming. I get it. There's a lot to learn, a lot. It can do a lot it's capable of and it's growing. Every day it's getting more and more robust. But I think that if you're not adapting AI into your business now, you're behind the curve and you have to speed up.

Serena Holmes:

Yeah, now, when I saw you speak in Pundit County, you talked about some of those AI resources that you're leveraging. Are there a couple favorites that you'd want to highlight for someone that may not be aware of them?

Veena Jetti:

Oh my gosh, they've even changed since that was in January of 2024 that we were there, changed since that was in January of 2024 that we were there. Even since then, they've completely changed what we're using, um. So a couple of resources that, like, I've been using. So the one one that I give everybody is futurepediaio, but there's another one now called what can AI do today, dot com or dot dot something. But if you google what can ai do today, um, that gives you an entire directory. So if you're like hey, I want to create a chat bot on instagram, it'll give you like chat fuel or it'll give you all the ais that you can use to do that. Um, it's implementing these like different workflows that allow you to exponentially increase your output to whatever you're doing.

Serena Holmes:

Well, and that's the thing, I think that a lot of people have a general understanding of what AI is, but they may not understand the how and all the ways that they can kind of plug it into their business. Now, in terms of lessons, what would you say is the biggest lesson that you'd want to pass along to someone that's just starting out? Or maybe they've got their first building under contract and they're looking to amplify their portfolio?

Veena Jetti:

their portfolio. Yeah, if you are just starting out, it is long and slow and hard, but keep going, because eventually you will figure out what the key to success is and you will figure out what that next step is. But you're going to fall down a lot, and so you know, I always tell people failure is just a stepping stone on the way to success. Don't stop because you failed, keep going.

Serena Holmes:

Yeah, no, I think that's great. So, on that note, we're just going to take a really brief break for a word from our sponsors and we'll be right back. Welcome to the Wealth Club, an exclusive community dedicated to elevating your journey towards financial freedom, well-being and success. The journey to 1% starts here. Join like-minded leaders and commit to growth for the mind, body, bankroll and soul. Learn all the proven techniques to change your life forever, with direct access to a massive team of more than 10 tried and true experts. Moreover, members enjoy priority access to investment opportunities, job openings and partnerships within the community. For just $1 a day, members gain entry to specialized forums covering a wide spectrum of fields. Discover diverse income streams, new opportunities, collaborations and employment. Partake in weekly Zoom calls with our team and join monthly live Q&A sessions. Compete and win cash prizes. Active members top the leaderboard for monthly rewards. Ready to get started? Join today to unlock your true potential. To sign up, go to scrollcom forward slash the wealth club.

Serena Holmes:

Thanks again for following along with this episode of Inspired to Invest. In addition to real estate investing and running my own brand experience agency for 18 years, I also published a book called the Accidental Entrepreneur in October of 2021. This is my story and it chronicles how I turned tragedy into triumph to embrace my destiny in entrepreneurship. If you're interested in picking up a copy, you can find the link at serenahomesrealtorcom, and you can also find my link tree with all of the retailers in the details below. Thanks again for your support.

Serena Holmes:

Inspired to Invest is proud to support the Beyond Success program. In today's complex world, it's absolutely crucial for our youth to learn how to take charge of their financial future. We believe that every young person deserves access to accurate, practical financial information. Designed to bridge the gap, the Beyond Success program leverages a comprehensive educational bootcamp to equip young minds with essential financial literacy skills. At Beyond Success, it's not just about teaching financial literacy. It's also about fostering a foundation for a prosperous and empowered future.

Serena Holmes:

Join us Together, we can build a brighter financial future for the next generations. Join us Together, we can build a brighter financial future for the next generations. Join us Together, we can build a brighter financial future for the next generations. Hey everybody, welcome back to Inspired to Invest. I've got Veena Jetty from ViFunds here with me from Dallas, texas, and she's talking about how she built up a portfolio that's worth over half a billion dollars and we're talking about some of those challenges, obstacles and lessons before the break, but one of the things that I really like to ask people is what's the craziest thing you've ever experienced as a real estate investor?

Veena Jetti:

Oh, I have so many crazy things, so many, oh gosh, okay, let me see, let me pick one. I like I I've had wild things happen. I've had I've had residents of my assets use their spouse who was like a detective, like an actual detective to do like background searches or whatever to find who owned the asset. So, and then she found me on like twitter and then messaged me on twitter to complain about her like sink or her toilet or something. Oh gosh, like how did you find my info? Because the way we structure like everything's anonymous, you really don't know who exactly owns it, and much less to find me on social media and then reach out. That was crazy, um, you know. And then I've just had, I've had a lot of experiences where people, um, like I had a broker once and this is true, like the women and the minorities in the room will totally relate to this but but was like so dismissive of me and I walk into the asset and he's like I'm like, hey, I'm being a jetty, I'm on the buy side, I'm one of the partners buying this asset, like I introduced myself, and he's like amazing, when is your husband getting here? I was like when's your wife getting here. Did you tell my husband, and he was like not amused by my responses. But I was like, when's your wife getting here? Did you tell my husband, and he was like not amused by my responses, but I was amused by, um, you know, I've had brokers tell me that my English is great and after asking me where I grew up and me saying I grew up in Chicago, um, they're like, wow, your English is so good.

Veena Jetti:

And I'm like, thanks, they speak English in Chicago too. So you know, just like crazy things like that. And then you know we've had, oh, I have twin daughters and I remember I was like super pregnant and I remember closing a deal and I was in the middle of our closing call and people didn't know this, but I was sitting on my bathroom floor because I was peeing, because I was so morning sick All 35 weeks I was pregnant. I was just constantly throwing up and so I was like in the bathroom and I'm like on mute and I'm like like throwing up and then coming back and I'm like, yeah, that totally works, like just talking through it. You know, as women we just have to do a lot of things that I think people would find totally crazy if they really knew what we were doing.

Serena Holmes:

Yeah, that's hysterical, and thank God for things like mute buttons.

Veena Jetti:

Thank God for that.

Serena Holmes:

So how much of this stuff like when you think about having you know your resources on site and your property management as the owner of this really robust portfolio, like how much actually comes back to you and escalates kind of up the ranks when it comes to issues, because people are always like you know, they either don't want tenants in toilets if they see the value in PM. But I'm just curious to see, like how that is in your position.

Veena Jetti:

We try to minimize it, Like I don't know if there's a leaky toilet on one of our assets. But I will say that when our assets start veering from performance, we get like very, very involved, and pretty quickly too. So like right now, I have an asset, it's not performing where I think it should be performing and I'm on every weekly asset management call. I am asking for information. Like our vacancy dropped on one of our assets. I was unexpected, so I immediately last week I'm like, hey, why is vacancy dropping? And they told me oh, there's a new program that's rolled out to help people buy homes. So a lot of our residents are leaving and buying homes. Mortgage rates just went up last week. We have way less supply than we have demand and interest rates are still significantly higher.

Veena Jetti:

What do you mean that all these tenants are? There's like a mass exodus to go buy assets. I don't buy it. How many people, right? I want to know exactly how many people. We had 13 people move out last month. How many people, right? I want to know exactly how many people. We had 13 people move out last month. How many of those people went to buy houses? Is it one or is it like 12? Because that tells me different data points about how to operate. But, like normally, if all things are operating, I don't particularly know that 13 residents turned over last year.

Veena Jetti:

Yeah, as long as the spot's being filled, then why would you need to know Exactly, as long as it's performing to the standard that I think it should be performing at, not just to pro forma, but where I think it's maximized or my partner thinks it's maximized. We don't really get involved in the day-to-day, but as soon as we see opportunities we are very much involved and we're very much on top of it.

Serena Holmes:

Yeah, no that makes sense Now in terms of thinking of things that you've had success with what would you say is something you're most proud of.

Veena Jetti:

My children. Yeah, I know it's not multifamily related, but I just love that I get an opportunity to intentionally pour into my kids like mindset work. I didn't have that going. My mom did actually do some amount of it unintentionally, but I get to do it with like a lot of intentionality and I'm very excited about that and really like my why revolves around my family, and so just the fact that I get to show my kids so many different things and they get to experience so many things that I didn't get to experience because we didn't have the money or the time or the knowledge or the resources Like for me, that's the Holy grail of everything.

Veena Jetti:

I, you know, I, my children. They talk about being multifamily investors and you know they're not afraid to speak on stages and they are not afraid to start businesses or make absurd requests or demands and like those are things I'm proud of because I want them to think that anything is possible. I want them to think that they can do hard things. They can do things that other people don't do because they're willing to fail and they're willing to work at it and they're willing to do hard things. That's the thing I'm like the most proud of. That I've accomplished is just having my children and being able to pour into them.

Serena Holmes:

Now, when you think about being a mother and having two small children while you have this really robust business, how do you find the balance?

Veena Jetti:

Very badly, very poorly, very badly, very poorly. Look, truth be told, no one can balance everything that I do perfectly right, like when I'm here at work, my kids are in daycare right now, like they're in a pre-K program. Their teachers are helping me raise them. When I'm traveling for a conference, to speak at a conference, my nannies, my in-laws, my parents, my parents, my husband they're all helping raise my kids. Yeah, when I'm my kids, like tonight, today's my dad's birthday actually, so we're going to dinner tonight as a family, and when I'm doing that, then I have someone else that is running my underwriting call tonight.

Veena Jetti:

So it's not so much about finding a perfect balance. It's more about accepting that you can only do so many things at once, and also just like lowering the bar for what is acceptable, especially for women. We do so much invisible labor, we do so much work that gets goes unpaid, and we do a lot of emotional work that doesn't get recognized either, and so it's recognizing that the bar can just be lower. Like you do not have to have a rooms that are not furnished. I hate creating my house. I'm not good at it. I don't want to spend my money there. I want to take that 25 grand and buy a real estate asset instead. I just don't care about it. And I have furniture in the rooms I care about and that we use, and I don't care if it's ugly or not, and so it's just like lowering the bar for what's acceptable and like being okay with sometimes your kids are going to have chicken nuggets from McDonald's for dinner.

Serena Holmes:

That's just reality and it's okay. It's just prioritizing right, Like they're only going to be small once. So I think just trying to really soak in those moments because before you know it, they're not going to need you and they're just going to be asking for the car.

Veena Jetti:

I feel like they're already doing this to me, and they're only five.

Serena Holmes:

Yeah, so my daughter turns five in two weeks, so I'm with you.

Veena Jetti:

Yeah, they're like they know everything. Yeah, they don't need me to, I can do it myself on everything.

Serena Holmes:

Yeah, you know I say no, they're going to be underwriting for you.

Veena Jetti:

I mean that would be useful to me, but one of my daughters really interested in, like, social media content creation. So she'll be like mommy, take a video of me crossing the monkey bars. And then she'll be like okay, take my intro video and she'll come and she'll be like hi, I'm Via, Via, Jetty, and today my mom is going to film me doing the monkey bars.

Serena Holmes:

Gosh, I think we need to have a play date, cause my daughter was doing the exact same thing. She's like can you do my video? Thanks for watching my video, and this is how you color, whatever it is.

Veena Jetti:

But I want her to be comfortable doing that, because I do think that that is going to be a big part of their futures.

Serena Holmes:

It will be yeah, unless they start mimicking AI, and I guess we'll see where all of that goes in the next five to 10 years. Right, ai versions of themselves doing these things. Ai versions of themselves doing these things For real. Now, in terms of things like advice, what would you say is some of the best advice you received, and how did that?

Veena Jetti:

help you. Okay, there's two things that immediately come to mind. I've gotten a lot of good advice over the years, but first is front-end load your sacrifice. It is always easier to sacrifice the younger you are as you get older like I am 38 now. When I was 20, it was a lot easier for me to work like 25 hours a day and to not buy the expensive bag or buy the things or spend the money. I could save more, I could invest more, and time value of money is more important than anything else. The most important metric you measure is actually time, not money, and so I would have done this even more than I did, but I would have front-end loaded my sacrifice even more. I would have built more in my 20s, I would have laid foundations and I would have worried about decorating my sacrifice even more. I would have built more in my 20s, I would have laid foundations and I would have worried about decorating the house in my 30s and 40s. Front end load your sacrifice. That's number one. Number two is the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. Second best time is today, because so many times we think about things and we're like I can't do that. I won't do that.

Veena Jetti:

You have whatever excuses, and then you come to 10 years later and you still didn't do the thing. It's not late to start. You can still start, like today. You can decide to do something new. Today I, in fact I um, I've had a goal. That's been a goal of mine for three and a half years and I have been putting it off. You know I've been scared, whatever my mindset stuff. I just didn't do it and I literally started taking all the actionable steps and I'm ready to, like, roll out. It's a podcast I want to do and I'm ready to roll it out Q1 of next year. So it's never too late. Start today, because you'll look back in 20 years from now and wish you would have started today.

Serena Holmes:

You're going to Take that messy action right, like you're going to learn along the way and learn from other things. And yeah, I couldn't agree more. Now, obviously, you have built this significant business. What would you say is next for you? Because I think for a lot of people they'd be like oh my gosh, like $530 million. What more could you want? Like do you have a particular number of doors or amount of cashflow that you're in pursuit of? Or like how would you make your decisions going forward?

Veena Jetti:

No, I'm past the metrics of measuring. You know we have plenty. I'm now at the impact phase of my life. So you know I spent a lot of time with our multi community and I spent a lot of time pouring into people. Like we have someone in the community right now Yannick and Morgan. They are buying their very first like 86 unit multifamily deal and they were on my coaching call today and Yannick came on and said like oh yeah, I'm in Lubbock right now and he's meeting with like property managers and getting everything in order, and it's like he's an immigrant. He came here from Congo and he's 22 years old.

Veena Jetti:

Oh wow, 86 units raising a million dollars, and it's like for me, that's the American dream. That is the thing that makes this field so special is that literally anybody who's willing to work hard enough can do this. You know, obviously there's tools you'll need along the way, but the most important and hardest one to have is the grit, is the work ethic, and so I I think that anybody who is starting has to just keep going. Yeah, just keep going.

Serena Holmes:

Now you mentioned your multi-fi community. Do you want to take a moment just to talk about that for anyone that's not familiar?

Veena Jetti:

Yeah, so the multi-mastermind community is a community of like-minded investors. It's the impact part. For me, right, it's the thing where I can see the ripple effect of somebody who's 22, coming to this country with nothing no parents, no safety net who is buying something and achieving something. So for me, that community is dedicated to that kind of work. It's to like there's a girl named a woman named Josie Sosota in the community and she has had so much personal growth and development like outside of just multifamily. It's just like her personal growth. I can see her.

Veena Jetti:

She. When she first showed up to the community, she was scared, she was intimidated, she was quiet, she didn't like talk a lot. And now she comes to masterclass and she's like put me on stage, vina, I have something to say. And I'm like who are you? This beautiful butterfly has emerged from a cocoon and you know. So for me it's like things like that. So it's a community, it's like-minded investors. Our three core values are diversity, integrity and abundance. So everyone shows up in the same way at all times. We represent each other and we just believe that you get more done together and you get bigger outcomes when you do it together versus individually.

Serena Holmes:

Yeah, I love that. Now, obviously, the name of this podcast is Inspired to Invest, so I like to ask if you have a particular quote that motivates or inspires you like to ask if you have a particular quote that motivates or inspires you.

Veena Jetti:

Oh, I have so many, so many. Um, I think that the one I've been looking to a lot recently, especially and especially as we pour more into the community, is a lot of people get very competitive and they think that this is like a small industry. And it is a small industry, but it doesn't have to be competitive. It can be collaborative. And there's a quote that is a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. Instead, the light just doubles, and I think that's like a really great way to just reframe into abundance is when I help you get your first deal, I didn't take anything away from me and I didn't lose my deals and my accomplishments. Instead, now we both have deals that we've done and we can learn from each other and grow from each other. So that's what I would say is like the quote that I'm looking at right now, but I look at a lot of different ones to keep me motivated and inspired.

Serena Holmes:

Yeah, I love that. Now, for anyone that wants to get in touch with you, what's the best way for them to connect?

Veena Jetti:

Yeah, so I'm on all the social medias as Veena Jetty V-E-E-N-A-J-E-T-T-I. I'm active the most on Instagram. I respond to my own messages there, but if you're looking about investing with me and being a passive investor, you can go to vivefundscom. V-i-v-e-f-u-n-d-s.

Serena Holmes:

Well, thank you for taking time out of your busy day today. Of course, for anyone that's watching or listening, we appreciate your time as well. If you've enjoyed this episode, make sure that you like, comment and subscribe below and you're following along at Inspired to Invest podcast. And remember, when you invest in yourself, the sky's the limit. Thanks again. Thank you to the Wealth Club for bringing you this episode of Inspired to Invest. The views represented on this podcast are for general information only and does not constitute investment or other professional advice or an offering of securities. The host and guests featured on Inspired to Invest make no representations as to the performance of any particular investment. Thank you.